Available Gear
The below items are generated from a live spreadsheet at CameraShack HQ. It is updated as soon as something is sold or added to our inventory. If it’s on the list it is still available. All items comes with a 6 month CameraShack guarantee, unless otherwise specified. Be sure to check back often for any updates. If you’re interested in purchasing an item on the list simply give us a call or pop us an email, we would love to hear from you.
Contact: Shaun  071 472 8216  *  Email: sales@camerashack.co.za
Wanna see pics of these items? Check out our Facebook group, just click here.
Condition rating
The condition rating is a value out of 10, and is a CameraShack rating system. We evaluate the specific item and agree on a rating that is as accurate a description of its physical condition as possible. All items are fully functional, the rating system relates to its appearance and in the case of cameras, it’s shutter count.
Condition 1-5: Has cosmetic imperfections like scratches,dents or chips. If it’s a camera, has high shutter count.
Condition 6-7: Fairly good condition but has some scratches
Condition 8-9: Good condition with very minor cosmetic imperfections
Condition 10: Practically brand new
[button size=”large” class=”buy-btn” href= “http://camerashack.co.za/capetown/?page_id=419&preview=true”]Sales Prices Dec’16[/button]
[button size=”large” class=”buy-btn” href= “http://camerashack.co.za/capetown/rental-prices-2017/”]Rental Prices 2017[/button]